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The Journey From BST8 to BST10

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    The Journey From BST8 to BST10

About This Event

BST10 Meets You Where You Are

BST10 now seamlessly integrates with the Microsoft® productivity stack — Microsoft® Teams, Power BI and more — to meet you and your firm exactly where you are. Check out BST10’s latest capabilities and integrations, committed to helping your firm thrive.


BST10 Overview

Take a test drive of the BST10 capabilities and integrations you’ll have access to like Microsoft® Teams, Power BI and so much more within the project-based ERP solution.

BST10 Implementation Approach

Get a peek inside our proven implementation approach for transitioning from BST8 to BST10 and rest assured that our in-house implementation team will be with you every step of the way!

BST11 Glimpse

Get another look at BST11, our next-generation ERP solution fueled by artificial intelligence, machine learning and predictive technology within a consumer-grade experience.