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The Voice of BST Global: Celebrating Mary Maingot’s Retirement

Sep 22, 2021

Twenty-four years ago, Mary Maingot was flipping through the newspaper want ads, and stumbled upon a listing for a receptionist at a local company, BST Global. The position called for excellent customer service skills and light computer skills. She applied, and as they say, the rest is history.

BST Global leaders helped kick off Mary’s well-deserved retirement by honoring her at a special company meeting. As the stories flowed, so did the tears — there wasn’t a dry eye in the house. Here are just a few of the special sentiments shared during the meeting:

  • President Carlos A. Baldor Jr. shared that Mary is a steward and ambassador of BST Global. “Mary has played a vital role in our company.”

As Carlos showcased a slew of photos, he said, “Mary wore many, many hats over the years. There has not been an event here in the last 20 years that didn’t happen because of Mary’s guidance and efforts — socials, holiday luncheons, Halloween parties, chili cook-offs — tons and tons. She was a big part of those events and made sure everyone had fun.”

  • Vice President of Administration Liana Baldor gushed, “I love Mary. I always told her that she was the voice and heart of BST. Anyone who calls or enters our building, whether that be an employee or a vendor, Mary always makes them feel welcomed. We love her and I treasure her friendship. Whatever she was asked to do, she was there to help. We have asked many, many things of her beyond what she does, and she was always there to help.”

Liana also shared that Mary helped so many of our clients when they needed it. “She knows all our clients. Before there was all this technology, Mary talked to all our clients on the phone.”

  • Chief Executive Officer Javier A. Baldor spoke from the heart, saying, “All I can say is ‘Thank you, Mary.’ You have been such a blessing to BST and our family in particular. It has been a privilege to come in each day and see your smiling face. Every day, no matter what was going on, Mary had a smile on her face, and it always made me feel better. Mary’s legacy of being a positive person and looking at things optimistically has been that blessing.

Javier also shared a quote Mary posted near her desk many years ago, where it still hangs today. It reads, “Work like you don’t need the money. Love like you’ve never been hurt. Dance like nobody’s watching. Sing like nobody’s listening. Live like its heaven on earth.” He said, “That’s how Mary has been for 24 years, and not many people can say that. It’s been an honor to work with you. You’ve made a tremendous impact on BST, and I wish you all the blessings that you richly deserve.”

  • Chief Product Officer Debbie Preacher recalled, “I used to be a client before I worked at BST Global, and I remember calling Mary when I needed support, and she never put me on hold. There was one time when I was in trouble and you stayed with me until we found someone who could help me, and I can’t tell you what that meant to me, being the other person on the phone.”

She continued, “To have the privilege to then come work with you for all these years … I appreciate all you’ve done. I certainly love you and wish you the best.”

  • Chief Operating Officer Delmar Warnock reflected, “It is really the little things that I’m going to miss the most — when you would walk in the door and Mary was always upbeat, the socials we had when Mary was on the mic as MC — you always had so much energy and you brought that energy to those events.”

He remembered, “At the user conferences, clients would ask where Mary was because they wanted to say hi face-to-face. That’s a tribute to who you are and you’ll be sorely missed.”

Carlos concluded the meeting by saying, “Mary brought people together and made sure they were always having fun. She was vital to our company and the culture.”

She responded in true Mary fashion with, “Isn’t that what life is all about? Having fun?”

As the group prepared to enjoy a catered meal and cake in celebration of Mary, the guest of honor wrapped things up by saying, “It’s bittersweet, retiring, for sure. I’m going to miss you all. Now, come eat, drink and be ‘Mary’!”

And we did. Thank you, Mary, for all you’ve done for BST Global over your impressive 24-year career! We are so thankful to you!


Meet the Author


BST Global designs, develops and deploys the AEC industry’s first suite of AI-powered project intelligence™ solutions. Beyond our flagship ERP offering, we provide work management, predictive insights and resource management solutions to complement a firm’s existing ERP. More than 120,000 architects, engineers and consultants in 65 countries across six continents rely on BST Global’s solutions each day to successfully manage their projects, resources, finances and client relationships. With unrivaled industry knowledge, BST Global serves as a trusted partner to its loyal clients and remains at the forefront of innovation. For more information, visit